Judiska arbetarpartiet Bund
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Roundtable : Digital Labour History and Labour Studies
The digital age has transformed historical and labour research. Mass digitization of archival sources, novel computational methods and the rise of the digital public sphere encourage us to re-think how we research labour and write history in the twenty-first century. It is high time to scrutinize the ”digital turn” in the context of labour history and […]
Roundtable: Perspectives on Labour History
Welcome to a NLHN roundtable (digital) on different perspectives on labour history research. Labour history with a special focus on labour process studies has been the subject for analysis in the anthology Från arbetets horisont. Perspektiv på historisk forskning om arbete och samhälle under kapitalismen (From the horizon of work. Perspectives on historical research on […]
Universal Suffrage? Voting Restrictions and Disenfranchisement in Sweden after 1921
Welcome to a NLHN digital talk about the book Universal Suffrage? Voting Restrictions and Disenfranchisement in Sweden after 1921. In 2021, Sweden celebrates one hundred years of universal suffrage and what has commonly been described as the end of the struggle for voting rights and democracy. The newly published book Universal Suffrage? Voting Restrictions and […]