
Ongoing projects

Long-term perspective on home-based work

A collaboration and up-coming conference is organized by the Swedish Labour movement’s archive and library in cooperation with the Centre for Women’s Development Studies in Delhi and the WIEGO (Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing) Network. We invite abstracts for papers (or other forms of presentations) discussing home-based work. For further information, please visit the designated page.

Mind the gap! An entangled history of economic citizenship and the demand for equal pay 1945-2000

Focuses on the importance of international and transnational entanglements for the development of economic citizenship, i.e. national and international unions’ demands for equal pay between 1945-2000. […] We use the hermeneutical approach of Histoire croisée, which contains both elements of comparative analysis and transfer analysis and focuses on the assimilation and adaptation of entanglements, but does not neglect the fractions and differences between different levels.

Towards a global history of consumer co-operation

This project will establish a global network of scholars with the aim of producing a global history of the consumer co-operative movement. This will take the form of a book. Combined with statistical information and bibliographies, the anthology is intended above all to create a resource for future studies on the co-operative movement, and will be of interest not only to historians of social movements and consumption, but also to co-operative activists.

Researching the history of the informal sector – methodological challenges and opportunities

ARAB organized with financial support by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ), a workshop on research on the informal labor market that took place on the 9-10th of June 2015.

Past projects

Facket, kvinnan och världen – Feminism in international labour organizations

Den 18 juni 2013 pågick workshopen Feminism in international labour organizations i våra lokaler. Några av världens ledande genus- och jämställdhetsforskare som Yevette Richards Jordan, Dorothy Sue Cobble och Suzanne Margaret Fanow deltog.

Kvinnorna i de första kvinnliga internationella fackliga konferenserna, runt 1919, där också flera svenskor var med, trodde starkt på att de hade skapat en ny plattform för kvinnor och systerskap. Det kvinnliga perspektivet har alltid varit en del av arbetarrörelsen, men kvinnan har fått kämpa för att få plats.

Deltagarna talade om denna del av kvinnans kamp för lika rättigheter på arbetet, i samhället och i hemmet, såväl ekonomiskt som juridiskt. På UR Samtidens webbsida har samtliga delar av workshopen gått att se men programmet är inte längre tillgängligt.

Worlds of Women – International Material in ARAB’s Collections

A project that aims to inspire researchers, both academics and those actively interested in researching working women’s history, to look beyond national borders. This is an overview of available sources at the Labour Movement Archives and Library (ARAB) in form of essays and inventories.

The project was organized through financial support by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ).